Unlocking the Secrets of Sinker Cypress Drying: High-Frequency Vacuum Kiln Technology

Sinker cypress, also known as Dead Head cypress, Old Growth cypress, River Recovered cypress, Heart cypress, Reclaimed cypress, Antique cypress, or Deadhead cypress, holds a rich history as logs submerged in rivers during the industrial timber harvest from 1880-1920. These logs, axe-fallen from virgin forests, range from 150 to 1500 years old at the time of harvest.

Transported down rivers to nearby sawmills, many logs became waterlogged, sinking into riverbeds during log jams. The minerals in the water infused the wood with distinct colors, making Sinker cypress prized for its durability, historical significance, eco-friendly attributes, and captivating color variations.

Challenges of Sinker Cypress Recovery

Recovering Sinker cypress demands meticulous care, particularly during the drying process. Specialized expertise is required to ensure optimal results. The high-frequency vacuum wood dryer machine represents a cutting-edge solution, employing advanced technology to address the unique characteristics of Sinker cypress.

High-Frequency Vacuum Technology: A Game-Changer in Wood Drying

High-frequency heating penetrates the wood both inside and out, while the vacuum process enables drying at lower temperatures. This innovative approach ensures a rapid, crack-free drying experience for Sinker cypress. Under the guidance of Mr. Carlos, customers are provided with online installation support and operational insights, sharing invaluable knowledge on wood temperature management throughout the drying process.

Swift Drying with Exceptional Results

The entire drying process for 2-inch thick Sinker cypress, submerged for 125 years or more, takes a mere 5 days. Starting from a moisture content of 30-38%, the wood is efficiently dried to 4-6% moisture content. Customer feedback serves as the ultimate testament to both the quality of our kiln and the expertise in utilizing high-frequency vacuum technology.

Decades of Expertise in Wood Drying

With over 30 years of experience in the wood drying industry, our position as leaders is evident, especially when it comes to challenging and valuable woods. Customers invest not just in a state-of-the-art high-frequency vacuum kiln but also in the unmatched drying skills that accompany it.

Wood SpeciesSinker cypress,cherry,black walnut
Moisture Content before dry30-38%MC
Total Volume6.6cubic meters
Drying time4 days
Final Moisture Content4-5%MC

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