
Ways to boost your wood products profit

If you’re seeking ways to boost your earnings and increase your profits, you’ve come to the right spot. If you continue to read this blog and you could discover something profitable.

It is possible to make furniture, cabinets, and other wood products for up to eight hours and seven days a week however, you won’t earn any money until the item is sold. The trick to selling your product efficiently in a profitable manner is to design something that customers want.

To aid in the effort, check out these suggestions to improve the manufacturer of wood products makes.

7 Tips to increase product value
Don’t think that price is the main factor for a customer

The speedy resolution to any issues is the third. The capability to alter an existing design and customize it could rank fourth. The possibility of offering identical items shortly is the fifth. The price is not the only factor, as long as you can meet their main requirements, isn’t the most important factor.

Don’t presume that you know what the consumer thinks is good quality

The buyer needs to describe the quality and key characteristics of the wood product they’re contemplating buying.

Find out what your wood product can do to distinguish itself from rival products, such as other woods products

So How can you increase the appeal of your product? Make sure to add a following-up service to gain the advantage.

Visit nearby woodworking facilities to learn the way they work with wood, and also what’s happening

Get in touch with your state’s natural resource representatives to get a list of companies using wood within your state and nearby states. Industry associations are a good source of information as well.

Contact your regional business center to get assistance

The lists can be found on the internet. Or you can go to business centers to get the assistance that you need.

Employees in your organization who are key to your success

It is important to make this commitment visible to everyone every day and ensure that your product is reflective of this awareness. If you’re a supervisor ensure that your actions as well as management decisions, including hour-to-hour choices, reflect this quality effort. Inform your customers of your high-quality efforts and how your product is examined and wrapped.

Your product should be useful

Consider what you could accomplish to enhance the value of your current product. What could you improve or improve it? Take a look at the design, style, as well as hardware, and the list goes on. You could add a brand different feature to your existing product, for instance, placing a cedar drawer side in the dresser to provide moth repellency or a beautiful scent.

In this process, it is important to understand what the client desires. What are the best ways to discover what they want? You must ask them and not just assume. Are you able to guarantee your product? Let your potential customers that you’ll fix any quality problems.

Sell your products to new, diverse markets

You might consider selling the same product that you currently manufacture, however, to an entirely different market, which could include new customers, in which case it is more valuable. Consider, for instance, ways to appeal to the upscale remodeler market or sell this product directly to the DIY homeowner. Think about home offices and computer requirements; think about our population’s age and specific requirements.

Create a new product

It is possible to consider innovative products (that is, brand new for your business). They could be brand new products for major or sideline use made from scrap materials. If you’re creating an item that’s already sold in the marketplace beware. Most of the time, competition is established. So, if you are considering an established market be sure that it that is not currently well-served or has growth potential. Perhaps it’s a place in which you’re replacing wood with other non-wood products.

Make the most of the current source

The efficiency of your manufacturing affects profits as well as quality. Try to create fewer low-value items; attempt to reduce waste and try to enhance the process. Check your facilities to determine the areas where wood is wasted (edge trim or end trim, faulty pieces, etc.

Enhance marketing

A few years ago, I was introduced to an expression I consider to be a fundamental idea: “I’d rather justify my prices being high than excuse my quality being low.” What it means to me is you must be focused on your customer when you present your product. Marketing isn’t sales because sales are focused on the product. Particularly, we must explain to the buyer (perhaps often) the thing that makes our product superior and more desirable. It is likely that you already know that your product is excellent however, you must not keep it under wraps. If you don’t talk about it on your website, how will people know how amazing you and your product are?

Going one step further, while we buy cabinets and furniture as they can be useful to us, we buy items to impress our neighbors. Are there ways to make your product appear more appealing? Perhaps laser engraving an inscription on the outside of a door that states the cabinets are constructed from a particular species of wood as well as stating that they are ecologically green because you’re using the wood from sustainable forests and the list goes on.

Perhaps this message could be displayed on the outside to be seen more easily. What is your logo for your business? Does it appear on the outside? Does it contain enough information to allow neighbors to get in touch with you? (Have you seen a brand new car with no manufacturer’s logo prominently visible?)

More specific tips

If you are looking for value-added products product, keep in mind that there is an outlet for all of your manufactured items. Scrap and sawdust being just 1/100 of the worth of lumber, don’t place too much emphasis on low-value products.

Since wood costs are likely to comprise 75 % of the material cost the yield useful components from an individual piece of lumber (or sheet made of composite materials) is the main element that affects the profitability.

When you first begin expanding, think about purchasing some items from another firm to help in the development of products to meet the demand. (Often an immediate expansion to accommodate more production or expansion to be more flexible isn’t always the most efficient choice.)

Do some direct selling for yourself whenever you can, but think about the possibility that your skills could be in manufacturing, not sales and marketing. So, think about the right recourse to a consultant, wholesaler, or broker.

Pay attention to your cash flow. You could be successful but could have a poor cash flow, and during certain months, you’re short of cash. Reserve enough funds for markets that are slow or have a downturn.

Explore new markets

Try out a new market using equipment that someone else has. For instance, rent the kiln first before purchasing the kiln or have someone else turn it before you buy lathes, etc. This lets you test the market before investing a lot of money.

A lot of markets are embracing a JIT approach, which implies that they don’t have an inventory. If they’re planning on installing cabinets today they’ll need them installed early in the morning and not earlier or later. Therefore, the burden of maintaining an inventory can shift more towards you and the producer. Watch the flow of cash as this happens Banks do not want to finance inventory of finished goods.

You might consider a shop to sell low-quality materials leftover from manufacturing or other non-repairable items that you created. Potential customers include hardware stores, contractors marinas, hobbyists do-it-yourselfers, schools and sign shops, etc. Do not grade the lumber. Sell thin wood, narrow wood, low-grade, cut pieces, planer defects, and so on.

While you focus on the client take a moment to think about yourself and your employees, or your community’s goodwill.

Look for nice markets

Keep your eyes open for niche markets. Most of the time, they are smaller and localized, but very profitable.


There are many ways to boost the value of your products made of wood provided you know what to do to obtain the appropriate materials and then properly dry your lumber or wood so that it is more usable. To ensure that your wood is dried precisely, we offer a high-frequency vacuum kiln that can aid you to dry your wood to a high standard. Contact us for more information on more details.

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