
What Is The Best Moisture Content For Woodworking

Why do some wood products such as wooden doors, wooden floors and wooden furniture have quality problems such as cracking and deformation after they are sold? How to reduce the loss of these problems to wood enterprises?

After the production of wood products, the shape and material will not change. At this time, the key factors determining the internal quality of wood products are mainly wood moisture content and drying stress. Manufacturing enterprises need to correctly grasp the moisture content of wood products. When the wood products reach the equilibrium moisture content, the wood at this time is least likely to crack and deform. Dealers selling wood products should also test the moisture content of the products sold to master the quality status of the products sold. Select manufacturers with good product quality. All manufacturers who pay attention to product quality will test the moisture content of their products.

So what is the best moisture content for woodworking?

When wood is placed in a certain environment for a long enough time, its moisture content will tend to an equilibrium value, which is called the equilibrium moisture content EMC of the environment. When the moisture content of wood is higher than the equilibrium moisture content of the environment, the wood will expel moisture and shrink, on the contrary, it will absorb moisture and expand. For example, the annual average equilibrium moisture content in Guangzhou is 15.1%, while that in Beijing is 11.4%. Drying to 11% of the wood is suitable for Beijing and can be used in Guangzhou. It will absorb moisture, expand and deform. Therefore, wood drying should be appropriate, not the more dry the better. The requirements for wood moisture content are also different in different regions and different uses.

The equilibrium moisture content of wood is affected by atmospheric humidity, which varies from region to region. About 12% in the north, about 18% in the South and about 16% in Central China. The equilibrium moisture content of wood is of great significance in production. The moisture content of furniture, doors and windows, interior decoration and other materials must be dried below the equilibrium moisture content of the use area, otherwise the wood products will crack and deform.

High frequency vacuum wood dryer kiln is good machine to get quality kiln dried wood with low moisture content, welcome contact Mr.Carlos to talk more details about the vacuum wood drying or high frequency technology for wood drying.

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