
Not many people know that the dried wood industry is a booming business. It’s definitely worth your time and effort to start selling dried wood, and with some hard work, you can make it happen. Here are some tips on how to market your dried wood business.
Wood drying is a profitable business

Wood drying is a business that has been around for centuries and can be done anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you live or how much money you have. If you have access to wood and the right tools, then you can start your own wood-drying business.
This book will teach you everything about starting up your own dried wood business and help you with all of the legalities involved, as well as provide some valuable tips on how to market yourself effectively using social media and other online platforms like Facebook groups or Twitter feeds (which we’ll talk about later).
What is wood drying?

Wood drying is the process of removing moisture from the wood to make it usable. This happens by exposure to air, which causes the water inside your logs and other pieces of wood to evaporate and leave behind a solid substance called char.
The amount of time you spend drying your logs depends on their size, type, and quality. Treating small pieces can take only a few hours; larger ones may require several days or weeks. Dried wood can be stored indefinitely but will not last forever if stored improperly or allowed in contact with other materials that could cause rot or mold growth (such as chemicals).
Go to Your Clients

So you’ve come up with a great idea for a new product, and now you want to market it. You know that your customers will love it, but how do you get them to buy it? Well, the first thing to do is go out there and meet people in real life!
This could be at trade shows, at events, or even just walking around town. It all depends on what kind of business you have, but meeting people face-to-face will give them an opportunity to try out your product without having to make an investment upfront.
If they like what they see, then maybe they’ll be interested enough in getting their hands on something similar later down the line when their needs change (or even better yet, if they love it). And if not..well then we’ve lost nothing except maybe some chocolate-covered pretzels from Trader Joe’s, which I happen to enjoy very much by themselves.
Describe your product to the customer

- Provide a detailed description of your product.
- Explain the benefits of your product.
- Describe the advantages of your product over other products, if any.
- Talk about the qualities of your product and how they’re different from other dried wood products on the market today, as well as why you think people would want to buy from you instead of someone else in this industry (be sure to mention something unique or special about yourself). You could also mention some examples that show what kind of use people can get out of it—for example, “Just imagine having this on display at home! It’s been used by architects for centuries.” Or something like that! You get the idea.
Start marketing yourself as a business

- A business license: This is required by the state and federal government in order for you to legally operate your business. You can get this from your local city hall or county office.
- A business bank account: This is where all of your money will go to pay for products and services (or any other expenses). It’s important that this account be set up before getting started with any marketing efforts—and it’s also important that it be insured! If something were ever stolen from this account, it could cause major problems for both you and the company that owns it (which means they might not be willing or able to cover those losses).
- A business phone number: Having one will allow people who want more information about what kind of wood drying service they’re looking at to contact them directly instead of having them call an answering machine where no one answers anyway, so why bother making calls at all?
Hold a promotional event

Use social media to promote your event and invite local businesses to attend. Use a hashtag for the event so that people can find it easily on their smartphones or in search engines. Make sure to have some special offer for attendees that you’re giving away at the door—this can be anything from coupons for future orders of dried wood products, discounts on services provided by your company (like installation), or even just cold hard cash!
If possible, host an after-party where attendees can meet up again with friends and make plans for later in the evening over drinks or food from one of their favorite restaurants nearby.
Make use of social media
Social media is a great way to get your dried wood out to the public. It’s free, easy, and can help you connect with customers in a new way.

- You can post about your dried wood business on Facebook or Twitter (or both). This will allow you to reach more people than ever before!
- You could also create an Instagram account for yourself so that people who follow your company will see what it looks like when they search for dried wood products online.
Start a blog and discuss the industry in general

If you’re looking to market your dried wood, it’s best to start a blog and talk about the industry in general. You can do this by talking about your product, business, and experience with dried wood. You should also use keywords when writing blog posts in order to get more traffic from search engines like Google or Bing.
If you have any other ideas on how to market your dried wood product online, then please leave us a comment below!
Spread the word through word-of-mouth advertising

- Spread the word through word-of-mouth advertising. Tell your friends and family about your product before they hear it from someone else. You don’t want people to know about your new business before you are ready for them!
- Give out samples of dried wood when people ask for one or two pieces of dried wood as a gift from you, which can be great for getting more sales done at once by spreading out their costs over time instead of having all those people come in at once and buy something big like an entire cabinet full of stuff (which would be expensive).
We hope this article has given you some useful information about how to market your dried wood. Remember that you don’t have to be the only person talking about your product, so don’t feel like you need to reinvent the wheel. In fact, listening to others is one of the most effective ways of learning about different markets and products. Also, remember that marketing is more than just advertising; it involves interacting with customers and promoting yourself as an expert in your field. So get out there and start building relationships with other people who share a passion for trees and wood. If you have any questions you can contact us.